Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Matthew 16:24.)
The cost of discipleship and the craze for miracles in the present-day church and religion is very much appalling and difficult to the understanding of many Christians in the presence of civilization, technological and scientific developments. Christ who is the main figure and subject of the Christian religion brought salvation to mankind by his religion which he instituted and brought to the world through His apostles and disciples who bore witness to him and stayed with him for a long while time while he lived on earth. Therefore, all who follow Christ genuinely, stand to be his disciples who work for the salvation of their souls and others. Discipleship has costs, the modern-day Church is in utmost craze for miracles abandoning the cost for being disciples, false discipleship and the search of miracles is gradually tearing down the Christian faith.
The misconception in our modern-day world is that many Christians misplace the costs of being true disciples to the ingenuine cost of being disciples for miracles. We have to understand that the major aspect of being disciples is not to perform miracles for fame. Jesus performed miracles in the bible in other to meet human needs and not as a mere display of his power but the reverse is now the case in our world today because many perform miracles to show their superficial powers and give glory to themselves. We have to understand that Jesus miracles were not meant to give glory to himself but God, for his miracles signaled the sign of God’s divine intervention in human life. And they showed God’s sovereignty and mighty works. Christians today seek miracles mostly for material gratification and other inordinate desires this has caused many Christians not to consider the genuineness of the miracles that they seek for and receive. This craze for miracles instead of true discipleship has led to the multiplication of false mushroom churches and religion who preach the gospel of prosperity and perform undefined miracles to the desire of many Christians and don’t lead them to Christ who is the lord of Miracles.
Christ admonished his apostles and disciples on different occasions on his having to suffer and his suffering which would come and on discovering how unsettled and impulsive they were with his sayings told them “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.. (Mark 8.31) (The account of Peter’s rebuke and Jesus’ counter-challenge is found in all three Synoptic Gospels: Matt 16:21–28, Mark 8:31–9:1, and Luke 9:22–27) this thus entails that any who wants to follow Christ is to leave behind all and follow Him in a call total submission. Just as he told the rich man “Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up thy cross, and follow me.”
Therefore, cost of discipleship is paramount for it not only entails one lying in fellowship to Christ but the total submission to the will of God in our lives. It is to these that this write-up is a reflection on the true cost of discipleship and the craze for miracles in the church which is ravaging the modern world.
“Self-denial and taking up the cross are fundamental commitments of one who chooses Christ, while following Him is a continual activity.”
Cost in the concept of this writeup refers to the effort, loss or damage that is involved in other to achieve something. Discipleship has costs just as any undertaken would have and this was why Christ admonished his disciples and apostles before hand in various ways and through various means. The cost of true discipleship is now been outplayed by inordinate quest for miracles and undefined discipleship for miracles. Let’s consider below the cost of discipleship which Christ himself had spoken of to all his disciples.
He who wants to follow Christ must first of all deny himself of whom he/she is in following Christ and this entails leaving behind who and what we are. Self-denial suggests the thought of two centers—self and Christ— the self to be denied and Christ on the other hand accepted as an object of attraction and devotedness. Its use in the original seems to say: “If you would turn toward Me, you must turn away from yourself. If you would accept Me as the chief object of desire, you must renounce yourself as such an object. If you would henceforward live in My service, you must at once cease to live for your own pleasure and interest.”
Dietrich_Bonhoeffer in his book “The Cost of Discipleship” said that “Self-denial is never just a series of isolated acts of mortification or asceticism. It is not suicide, for there is an element of self-will even in that. To deny oneself is to be aware only of Christ and no more of self, to see only him who goes before and no more the road which is too hard for us. Once more, all that self-denial can say is: "He leads the way, keep close to him."
The craze for miracles in our modern church has led the minds of many Christians away from the act of self-denial in been true disciples of Christ. Instead of renouncing oneself we see that many Christians come to Christ seeking for material gratification as the subject of their belief in Christ. Christians desire miracles and not to follow the lord who grant to them miracles and to this we see that many come to Christ only when in need and abandon him as soon as they feel they have got the answer to their prayers and desires.
Self-denial is very similar to the self-emptying of Christ as in Philippians 2:5. The leaving of oneself to God. As envisaged in the calling of the different apostles and how each and every one of them left all they were doing and were and followed Christ. Peter and his brother – see Mt 4:18-20, James and John the two sons of Zebedee – see Mt 4:21-22, Mathew the tax collector – see Mt 9:9-10. Therefore, Christians are to understand that been Christ’s disciples, they are to deny themselves and follow Christ and not coming to Christ with just the mere motive to obtain miracles from him and go their way.
Bearing of Christ cross can only be achieved when there is absolute self-denial. Christ telling his disciples to carry their cross and follow him does not literarily mean that they should carry wooden or any form of object to follow him but the bearing of burdens, or the enduring of trials in Christ’s service, or for Christ’s sake. The cross means sharing in the suffering of Christ from beginning to its very last and to the fullest. Therefore, only a man that is totally committed in discipleship can experience the meaning of the cross.
The modern world and Christians always want a painless success and dream of a world of fantasy were they get all they need without having to suffer, this has led many Christians to believing and preaching the gospel of prosperity that entails no suffering but the gaining of all they need from Christ without having to suffer. This has made many Christians craze for miracles that would gratify all their needs that they may not have to work again. Many Christians do not see the need to suffer in order to gain but seat with their hands knotted waiting for Christ to perform numerous miracles for them. Pastors who preach only prosperity seem to have the highest number of Christians which has led to the multiplication of churches of who hide behind the lies they preach to enrich themselves. Many pastors seek the power to command miracles that they may have a richer congregation in their church and do all possible things to get it even having to act miracles and getting powers from false sources forgetting their works to bear Christ burden and preaching to the people rightly to bring them back to faith.
Christ admonished his disciples on having to suffer and bear crosses for his sake. Many Christians are not ready to bear such suffering and cross in following but want only miracles from him forgetting Christ word “Are ye able to drink the cup that I drink? It costs something, to be My follower. If any man cometh unto me, and hateth not his own father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple Whosoever doth not bear his own cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14.26)
Christ had known that all who follow him would bear burden, harsh period, persecution, even to the point of death. That he made a promise to all who are persecuted for his sake in the beatitudes he gave in his sermon on the mount in the gospel of Matthew chapter 5. The early church saw many persecutions because of their belief in Christ and many of them faced martyrdom for Christs sake, dying through many harsh ways but still upheld faith in God. In the present time, Christians may not suffer martyrdom for their belief in Christ but various tribulations which are inevitable. “Listen, I am sending you out like a sheep in a pack of wolves, watch out for there will be those who will arrest you and take you to the court, whip you in the synagogues for my sake and be brought to trial before kings and rulers” (Mt 9:16-18, Mk 13:9-13, Lk 21:12-17)
Luke’s Gospel adds an important detail not found in the other accounts. Every follower must “take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23) Anyone who chooses to serve is to be aware it’s a daily work.
Anyone who utterly follows Christ has a cross to bear, each is called in his own different way and so bears the cross differently. All Christians do not have a common cross but each has his own and no one can bear that of another. Suffering and bearing our cross is not a tragedy but is a vital part for Christian salvation for Christ himself suffered that we may be saved. Suffering is therefore a badge of true discipleship. There is no salvation without suffering, no cross no crown. This was why St. Paul said “I have run the good race and have kept the faith, what remains is the crown of glory”. Suffering has to be endured in order that it may pass away, if we suffer with Christ then we rejoice with Him, this is why Phillips Brooks reminds us that we must bear the cross joyfully; “take up” the cross—it makes all the difference—lying down under it is one thing, taking it up is another. Take it up bravely, joyfully, cheerfully, and you will find the cross comparatively easy to bear.
Following Christ entails losing the whole of one’s self in service to God and his will in one’s life. Christ depicts himself in this context as a leader who leads others, as a shepherd who guides his flock. Christ’s coming was to bring salvation to the world and to lead souls back to his very self. Christ lived a life that we all are called to emulate. The life of Jesus if it had been an example and nothing more, certainly have left its mark on the customs of the world, but not only is it an example to us but a road to be taken. Today, it is so confusing to really determine if preachers of the word of Christ are actually leading people to Christ or drawing them to themselves. Many who should lead souls to Christ do not live Christlike life and so tend to lead many astray. Following Christ is a continuous process and the aftermath of self-denial and cross-bearing. Christ suffered great tribulation and suffering on his way to the cross, atoning for man’s sins. Following Christ equally brings back to mind the taking of one’s cross and following Christ daily in all we do. It’s a continuous process that breaths the last with us. “walk even as he walked” (1 John 2:6).
The quest and craze for miracles has caused that many Christians who come after Christ in the present era do not bring out themselves to serve Christ or work for him, or even have the plan of living lives which are Christlike in nature. Many Christians run from one adoration ground to another, from one church to another, from one ministry to another, from one pastor to another and even from one priest to another seeking to obtain miracles from them and even go to the extent of visiting native doctors and traditionalists if they do not get the miracle they seek. Many pastors even have to seek for powers in shrines, rivers, idols to perform miracles in the name of Christ to draw Christians to their Churches and I wonder whom we are really cheating. Are we cheating God or man? And if God were to sell miracles as they wish it, they would have also bought it up. And very surprisingly, the craze and search for miracles is now what even draws most persons to go to church or even to practice the faith.
Christ’s calling of the apostles was of fellowship “come follow me”, and to that they paid heed, therefore, anyone who wants to follow Christ has to do that entirely leaving all behind and become in service to Christ following his footsteps which he has paved for the world. One who is ready to follow Christ must be ready to face all tribulations, rejection, suffering etc.
Therefore, the craze for miracles should not be what leads us into a quasi-followership but that innate desire to follow Christ, walk in his ways, embrace his teaching and bring people to reconcile themselves back to him. For Christ himself even in the bible said that the children of this world do not come to him because they believe in him but because they seek signs and miracles so let it not be only when you are in need that you come to Christ but following for his essence.
In the gospel according to Mark, 10:28-31 Christ promised that all who have left all and followed him would be greatly replenished to the fullest by him and also in Matthew 19:27-29 said ‘I tell you, when everything is made new again and the son of man is seated on his throne again, you yourself will sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or land for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will also inherit eternal life.
Therefore, we see that Christ has made a big promise to all who would follow his course and be his disciples. It is thus a clarion call for all who embrace Christ to do it in good faith and not go after Christ seeking for signs and miracles. Christians are to rediscover that when they lose everything in following Christ, they gain and meet everything in him. But when they follow Christ for miracles just as in the bible, they won’t receive such favors from him.
It is in being true disciples of Christ that he comes to our salvation, no one can serve both God and man at a time and in serving Christ, we live all to him. There is a saying that when you leave everything to God, we meet Him in everything and this should be our stance as we leave all to follow and serve Christ.
Desire for miracles is more a sign of unbelief than it is of faith (John 4:48). Our craze for miracles ceases when we believe the truth about God as the almighty, with whom nothing is impossible. Of course, we ought to pray. We are commanded to pray, and we should freely present our requests to our Heavenly Father. It pleases God to answer our prayers, and in doing so, He even assures us of His love, and presence with us. That strengthens our faith.
Discipleship is costly, if we truly value our lives, we would be concerned for what we have to gain for all eternity, not merely for what we can have in this world. We may not be graced with so many miracles even though we are the disciples of Christ and spend each and our every life serving him. Surely, the great reward will come at the end of our service in this ephemeral life. Being disciples of Christ calls us for total submission to God’s will each time. Miracles should not be the bases of our faith in God, but are to be seen as grace granted by God. Miracles comes from God not man, unless one seeks it from the evil one. May God strengthen you as you be his true disciple.
A. F. W. Ingram, Joy in God, 178.]
By Benjamin Chikezie Onuze