Friday, April 24, 2020



It was midnight when horror looms …….
For a second time the knock was ringing at the door again with a cold shrilled voice. Down from my thoughts I could figure it coming below my ear. Phillip Duros at once hopped out of the bed. Taking a glance at the wall clock hanging East of the room, it could be boldly seen in his eyes, a wave of Confusion it was already an hour pass twelve of midnight. Phillip without much pondering made to the door. To him it could be a friend.…. a friend at the door at such dead night.
For a third time the knock rang again, he still maintained his pace ranting within. He opened the door wide but no one was standing next to it. He began at once to feel a sensation … a deep band of spirits approaching him: though his eyes were blind to seeing any. The noise grew louder and force as it approached. He was by now frightened to the marrow, there was whispering in the band like someone is communicating to him. He tried to bolt the door at once but alas it was too late; he was on the floor already and maybe it was the force that got him reeling to the ground. His legs would not bear him again standing. And the same noise was whirling up again.
He struggling, drew back as fast as he his hands could count backwards to avoid what has not come plain. “why do you hide yourself? Show yourself if you dare!  He taunted as if he feared no death peril or danger. The force began demystifying itself and gradually it had taken the challenge of revealing itself. It was like a breakthrough to the darkness that pervaded.  He made fast moves again like someone trying to grab something most important at that very moment but it seemed the demystifying band had noticed and made forward to take him down. Phillip still drew back now more gently gaining control of himself a little, he was actually making for the draw table meters away; a pistle lay so peacefully passing its hours not knowing the terror that loomed. He quickly pulled the trigger and let out four bullets reeling to the force and it was gone. The noise started building from his back again and it was too late for him to turn and fire it. It pushed him out; down the stairs ……...
Phillip immediately opened his eyes; it was a nightmare but he still felt pain at his back and elbows and his head was aching so hardly. The door was wide open and his gun lying on the ground.
To be continued ……


We are like tufts of feathers
Bound in a blazing fire: Furnace
The tempest is high
A day as long as centuries
Torrential, Trial, Tears, Triumph
And each step a blade of mockery
Which pierces our hearts with remembrance.
Of the failures that keep us awake all nights
And deaths taunting of our unaccomplished lives
Yet tears that inhabit our darkest minds
That dare us to pull the lines on our innocent necks
And watch God’s breath drop from us.          
Whence the agony of an unaccomplished life
Is pain and anguish in the afterlife.

Saturday, April 4, 2020


Panic stricken wheezing hearts,
Covid if don’t take us now
Other things surely must take us one and other
Till lives irredeemable course
Rests it last from all delights.

Whence man a day be gone
And bequeath earth treasures lie
As he did once breathe it on mud
Why then not let death take its ton?
And smear all men gone a time.

Let the thought of going twice be,
If life is a time affair
That withers your like or not
Then why not go now the chance bare
And thinker it less eternity ever again.

Or do earth sybaritic wane your quest
It can’t hold you all long a day
It did let your off hook when you think less
And your sycophant premonitions lie waste
Your honor gone and magg’ts squam you.

If death take us all; the debt paid
What carcass by earths laws abide
Or cadaver breathe panic while feasted,
Then death’s rapture paid
And if God be, death dies and him glory.

Let your reign of terror height Everest
Sorrow wracked we mourn our days
A living hell in the tide of Christmas
That birth plagues on our heads
With Dube’s Prisoner our sole guard.

Hounds to hide in all ages
Prodigious technology and modern science
If you cure earths virus ‘morrow
And put no end to death
You have failed us.

Plunge all roots beyond
Scavenge earths finest brains
Wreck deaths wagon in oblivion
And unload its burden on us again
Your labor is a wild goose chase.

Hence lives debtors our humid lives
Give it sure and be free
Or do you care for some coffee
Take it to your grave
And listen gently to your dirge.

These words bemoan my thinking
Though I fear no deaths peril
And know if Great Lincoln did I would
Though quarantined cleave,
a prisoner to my soul.

If we live this hour and another
and the ferocious die of nature’s accordance
and man uncoils from his hole
Every now and then lives inimical still lingers
Cause death must ensue.

By the sword; honorable Caesar
And on road; cursed nature
If health wanes; natural submission
And of the barrel; outrageous vagabonds
Same death, same name.

But when all lockdowns be open gates
Casinos and night clubs swim drunk threats
Priests on holy pulpits preach holiness again
And lecture halls bloom with elegance
Don’t think deaths tolls won yet.

Let death toast us to its tiredness
Were we shall drink full to anxiety
And mourn all evening of its taunts
That pinch us to dismay
For its thirst is insatiable.