Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Auspices; A prelate’s rejoinder
The prorata of his down the poster
Sailing on a sea of traitors      
 A nation divided against itself holds.
Nauseating and ugly
Broad on pirates, on surf boats of anxiety
Mouths who speak infallible
The sales talk may know talks
Deep down the tall tunnel.

Laying a plate of niggle
Those of who are the frets
Voices of the isles shouts
Proprietor! Who is your sole guard?
And vase unhangs on the pole
Taken long ago old
A kingdom against itself holds
Deep down the deep tunnel

Mean’t I in those words
Him a nitwit a better proposal
Cumbered in the dull tunnel
So sacrosanct a frantic.
Give not a rusk to the children
It causes an unceasing harm
Deep down the deep tunnel.

Anna; the caricature laugh
Be as wise as twice
For backing the nincompoop is twice
My folly is the braveness of my mind
For you aren’t the chum
Who fears my ultimatum
For in a moo I shall return
With those haunting lines
Deep down the tunnel

1 comment: said...

This is very nice bro.
Keep it up
But try to brake it with easier words to make people understand it easily.
More grease to your elbow